Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lake Flossy

Today was a very special day for Lyla Bean...her first trip to Lake Flossy. Flossy has always been such a special place for me. My Grandpa Bob and Grandma Shirley have a bunch of land in northeast Iowa and they build a screen house and small lake on the property. Growing up all of the Bulmans would get together at "The Farm" and spend the day swimming, hiking, four wheeling, learning to drive in Gramps pickup truck, catching frogs and turtles, fishing, picking raspberries, eating Gramp's corn on the cob, made homemade movies, had water balloon fights and the list goes on. When my Grandma Shirley passed away, Flossy has been the one place where I feel close to her. My mom decided to have a get together to basically show off her grand babies hehehe! Lyla was such a good little girl and had so much fun meeting all of her relatives on the Bulman and Wilde side. Everyone was asking about you Scottie and we all misses you. Can't wait to see you and give you tons of hugs and kisses. Enjoy the fun pictures! LOVE YOU!

Playing Over Under

Seriously how cute is my Grandpa?

A true Bulman

Lyla Bean napping

My Cousin Luke's girl Rainee

My first trip to Flossy

Bald Baby

Max had died and gone to heaven


Lyla and her favorite Great Grandpa Mit

April and Isiah

Flossy Scenery

Chatting with Auntie Holly

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