Monday, August 31, 2009


Finally it has cooled down a little down here in Texas so we were able to take Bean outside! This morning we woke up and took a blanket outside to enjoy the cooler weather. Lyla is just like her mommy when she goes out in the bright light...she sneezes. We had a lot of fun chewing on toys, practicing standing and walking (my child will not sit!) and trying out my sun hat.

After about 20 minutes she was getting pretty sleepy so we headed inside for a morning nap. There are also a few pictures from Bean's tummy time yesterday. Doesn't she look like such a big girl on her boppy? Love you guys and miss you all! Please pray for our family this week. We find out Saturday where the Lord is planning on taking us.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy 3 Months Bean!

Today is Lyla's 3 month birthday. I know it's kind of silly that I celebrate each of her month birthdays but it is fun. The past few nights have been quite a challenge for Lyla. Because she is starting to roll we can longer swaddle her at night. The first night without the swaddle blanket was BAD! I was up almost every 30 minutes listening to her wimmper. Last night was a lot better. She didn't really have a long sleep stretch and woke up every four hours to eat. I guess I shouldn't complain because I did sleep between feedings. With not sleeping as long as she used to she has been sleeping in. This morning she woke up at 9:30 so Lyla and I were a little rushed to get ready for our lunch date with Jess (one of Holly's friends from Indiana) and her son Cooper. Of course the one day we actually had to be somewhere on time Lyla decided she didn't want Momma to put her down. I actually blow dried my hair with her in my arms. Eventually she went down and I was able to finish getting ready.

We had such a blast at our lunch date with Jess and Cooper. Jess is such a sweetheart and Cooper just melted my heart. I will be anxious to get together with them again. After lunch we headed home and Lyla fell asleep in her car seat. She slept late but woke to a nice surprise...Daddy was home!

With the Cowboys having a game tomorrow night Scott was able to be home during the day today. Lyla and Daddy got lots of play time in so it was a nice treat for this family of three to spend the day together. Happy Birthday Lyla Bean. Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

For Grandma Leela and Papa Doug

Lyla loves it when Daddy beat boxes

Watching ESPN with Daddy

Watching football...not sure who's more into it

Trying to walk

Playing in my exersaucer