Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Flying High

Marlee Moose

Too cute for words!

Grandma Leela is so excited to see Lyla

Mar's teefers

Threw this one in for you Daddy...Lyla and Daddy watching Sportscenter!

Marlee loves Lyla

Today Lyla experienced her first trip on an airplane. I woke up around 5 am to shower and get organized before Lyla woke up. Once Lyla woke up I got her fed, changed (twice thanks to a blowout) and out the door. Scott's mom Linda took us to the airport...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Once we got checked in and to our gate Lyla of course woke up and started to fuss. So I swaddled her up nice and tight and she fell asleep within five minutes. Lyla and I were at the back of the plane which normally I would be annoyed by this but the loud rumble of the plane helped keep Lyla asleep. Needless to say she was a great baby and slept the entire flight. She didn't wake up until people started getting out of their seats and into the overhead bins. Now I knew I didn't have long before I would have a fussy baby because she slept an hour and a half past her feeding. Instead of waiting another 30 minutes to get home I nursed her in the front seat of Hol's car...thanks Hol! After her tummy was full we headed to the Bezy house. Max loved Lyla and wanted to give her puppy dog kisses. Marlee had to be restrained because she was so was too cute! Daddy you haven't missed much today. A few blow out diapers and a nice long nap and thats about it. We love you so much and hope you had a great first day of training camp!

P.S. For some reason Hol's computer won't let me copy and paste the pictures so that's why they are all up at the top.

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