Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Marlee and Grandma Jeanne

Diaper Booty


Like my bubbles and my hairbow

Watching Diego before naptime

Get Aunt Lissa

Loving on Lissa

She wore an itsy bitsy teeny weeny

At the pool

Cheesing at the pool

Hi Daddy

Big Muscles

Mommy and the birthday girl

Representin the Rangers in Indiana

Papa Doug and Ly

Today is a very special day. Not only did my little Marlee Moose turn one today but it would be my Grandma's 86th birthday. It makes me a little sad to think Mar is one today because with living in San Diego and now Texas, I wasn't able to get to Indiana for as many visits as I would have liked. She changed so much since the last time I saw here almost six months ago. Happy Birthday Grandma Jeanne. I miss you so much, especially now that Lyla is here. You would be so proud of her. I know you are up in heaven bragging to all of your friends about your beautiful great grand babies. Of course Lyla waited until Daddy was gone to show us that she is no longer a baby. She went eight hours between feedings last night. The longest she has gone between has been a little over six hours. It was a little uncomfortable waking up 4 hours late and realizing that it had been eight hours since she last ate. Needless to say I wasn't able to sleep on my belly! Lyla and I had a rough morning. I think she got a little backed up but after two blow out diapers she was herself again. Papa Doug and Drew Boy arrived today and Lyla was really excited to see them. This was the first time Drew had seen Lyla and he giggled at the fact that she slept with her mouth wide open just like I do. Chad and Jill also arrived this afternoon and got to meet Ly. She was a little fussy at first because she was hungry but warmed up as soon as she ate. We had a lot of play time with the cousins. Max helped me give Lyla her reflux medicine and he also helped me burp her. He was so proud. We have to be a little more cautious of Marlee because I think she wants to eat Lyla hah! It has been so nice having my family here because I was able to tan and run to Target with Hol and Drew while she napped. Before I was pregnant I took for granted errands by myself. Now I look forward to getting out without the baby. After I got home we all went to the pool. Lyla loved the stroller ride and was chill for a good 20 minutes while we were there. Eventually she got sleepy and we headed home. Daddy as I type this she is sound asleep dreaming of your sweet singing voice. We talk about you every day and she loves hearing your voice when you call us. We love you oh so much and pray every day that you stay strong and healthy. Love you sweetie!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Boobies and Stroller Ride

Big sucker

We love cotton candy suckers

Max found Lissa's butt crack

Loving Aunt Apey

Morning Chats

"I have pecks"

Lyla has boobies!

Max loves holding Lyla

It's been so nice outside...Lyla loves the fresh air

About to eat my hand

Max's dirty it!
"Hi pretty girl"

Picking flowers

"Eww they smell icky"

Raking the mulch

Love you daddy!

Ready to get out of the stroller

The beginning of the ride

Marlee Moose

Lyla was such a big girl last night. She went over six hours between nigh time feedings. This made me very happy. Of course she waited until Daddy was gone to show us how she can be a big girl. April got to experience waking up at 4 am and changing a stinky stinky diaper. She did a great job! This morning we had a little trouble with our morning nap...Lyla didn't want to go to sleep. For some reason when I lay her down for her nap she will sleep for about 30 minutes and then wake up wide awake ready to play. I am still trying to figure out if I should play with her or rock her back down. Max continues to love on Lyla all day long. Today he pointed out her boobies and told us that he didn't have boobies, that he had pecks. Because she didn't get down until later, Lyla slept late and this gave me time to have one on one time with Max outside. When I asked him if he wanted to go outside he ran over to me, kissed my hand about 15 times in a row and told me he loved me...I think he was a little excited. We had fun going on a bug hunt and riding bikes and raking the mulch. He is such a hard worker! When Lyla woke up from her nap we had a lot of play time with Grandma. She laid on a blanket for about 45 minutes perfectly content with just cooing and smiling. Once she got a little fussy Grandma and I loaded her up in the stroller and went for a walk. The first 5 minutes were amazing but once we turned the corner she was over it. I think she will eventually love stroller rides. I wished she would have fallen asleep so I could have gotten a nice walk in, especially with 15 pregnancy pounds left to go! After being up 2 hours ( I know Daddy, such a long time) I rocked her for about 2 minutes and she was out. I took this opportunity to lay her in the bed with me and also take a nap. Of course after about 45 minutes of hard sleeping she woke up fussy so I threw her in the swing. I know Scott we are trying to break this habit but I needed to get downstairs and blog about our day so that you would have something to look forward too. I love you so very much and Lyla misses you oodles and oodles. She told me she especially misses your singing to her. Can't wait until our family of three can have family snuggle time again. Love you babe!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Flying High

Marlee Moose

Too cute for words!

Grandma Leela is so excited to see Lyla

Mar's teefers

Threw this one in for you Daddy...Lyla and Daddy watching Sportscenter!

Marlee loves Lyla

Today Lyla experienced her first trip on an airplane. I woke up around 5 am to shower and get organized before Lyla woke up. Once Lyla woke up I got her fed, changed (twice thanks to a blowout) and out the door. Scott's mom Linda took us to the airport...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Once we got checked in and to our gate Lyla of course woke up and started to fuss. So I swaddled her up nice and tight and she fell asleep within five minutes. Lyla and I were at the back of the plane which normally I would be annoyed by this but the loud rumble of the plane helped keep Lyla asleep. Needless to say she was a great baby and slept the entire flight. She didn't wake up until people started getting out of their seats and into the overhead bins. Now I knew I didn't have long before I would have a fussy baby because she slept an hour and a half past her feeding. Instead of waiting another 30 minutes to get home I nursed her in the front seat of Hol's car...thanks Hol! After her tummy was full we headed to the Bezy house. Max loved Lyla and wanted to give her puppy dog kisses. Marlee had to be restrained because she was so was too cute! Daddy you haven't missed much today. A few blow out diapers and a nice long nap and thats about it. We love you so much and hope you had a great first day of training camp!

P.S. For some reason Hol's computer won't let me copy and paste the pictures so that's why they are all up at the top.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Hate Goodbye!

Today was a bit of a rough one for the Chandler family. We began the morning with a little projectile vomit induced either from the hiccups or from me gagging her with her reflux medicine. I always feel just terrible when she spits up that much because I always think she has to be hungry after spitting up all of her breakfast. We then made our way to Dr. Benzick's office for Lyla's 2 month check up and dum da dum dum shots! I think I have been dreading this visit for the past month. Everything checked out for Lyla. She was 10 lbs and 9 ounces and 23 inches long. Then nurse Judy came in with her shots. Scott was amused at the fact that I cried more than Lyla during her shots. It was awful but I was glad to have Scott there. After we got home from the doctors office I fixed Scott lunch while he packed up for training camp. I have felt sick about him leaving for probably the past two weeks. I tried to stay strong for him but I finally broke down once I realized we were sharing our last half hour together before he left for three weeks. Not only now am I sad about him leaving me but I hurt worse knowing that he will be away from his daughter for that long. The goodbye was awful, I hated every second of it. I know the time will go by fast because he will be really busy with football and we will be busy having family time in Iowa and Indiana but I still deserved my pity party. We love you so much Scottie and can't wait till we get to snuggle again! Lyla was a good girl today and napped until five. She ate good and took all of her medicine like a champ. Her legs don't seem to be bothering her which makes me happy. I was able to pack up most of Lyla and I's belongings during her nap time.

I decided to give her some play time with her Peter Pan play mat and she loved it. We miss you so much and I will keep updating our little "Daddy Diary" for you as often as I can. Have fun at the Randy Rogers concert. WE LOVE YOU!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bye Bye Blues

Scott leaves on Tuesday for 3 weeks of training camp in San Antonio and I will be heading back to the Midwest for a few weeks. Just a heads up to those of you who follow our blog, it will turn into what Mommy and Lyla did each day while we were away. With Scott being away from his two girls I wanted to make it easier for him by blogging about what adventures we experience while we are separated. These next few weeks are going to be so bitter sweet. I can't think about Scott leaving because it makes me cry every time but I am so excited to head home to see all my family and friends. If I could ask anything from you followers please pray for our family these next few weeks...for our safe travel, for Scott to perform at the best of his ability at camp and for strength while we are apart from each other. Thanks everyone!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Husband/Wife Time!

Scott and I were able to slip away this morning to have a little husband/wife time before we separate for 3 weeks. Linda came over and babysat Lyla for a few hours while we went Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was so relaxing being able to sit through an entire movie without any interruptions. The last time we went to a movie we had to leave 15 minutes in thanks to Lyla. We learned a big lesson from that experience...don't bring a 1 and 1/2 month old to the movies. I of course loved the movie because it was Harry Potter. Scott thought it was kinda boring. I think we both loved just being able to go on a date without the baby. Thank you so much Linda for watching Lyla. It was such a nice break for us!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Scottie

Yesterday we celebrated Scott's 24th birthday. Lyla decided to wake up at 7:45 to eat and after some play time with Daddy and a bath, the entire family decided to have a "family nap" and we all slept another two hours in our bed.

I am sure most people would frown upon this, especially with Scott being so big but Lyla sleeps in my "nook" and Scott sleeps 10 feet away. Thank God for California king sized mattresses. After Lyla woke up from her morning nap the birthday boy went and watched his sister play in a basketball tournament while Ly and I played. Once the game was over Scott opened up all of his gifts and cards. Thank you guys so much for spoiling my husband...Lyn, Scott thought the chocolate in the card was great. It was totally melted but oh well! Hol, Scott was thrilled about the candy and Mom and Dad, Scott loved the Hurley shirt and I want to thank you for buying him all those cute shirts! He loved the Uncle Julios gift card. After the presents were put away we headed over to Scott's parents house. Bryan and Linda grilled out for us and we had a great time. It wasn't a million degrees so we actually got to eat outside and hang out by the pool.

Lyla had a little trouble during one of her naps while we were over there but once she woke up she was loving her cousin Creighton. He loves her so much and always wants to hold her.

He calls her La La which I think is absolutely adorable. After we ate dinner and I got Lyla down to sleep we sang Happy Birthday and ate cake and ice cream.

Gonzo and his sister Caroline joined us and it was a lot of fun. It was so nice to have Lyla sleep so well because Scott and I actually got to sit down and watch about an hour of Godzilla. I had never seen it and so far so good! Around eleven we headed home and put an end to the birthday extravaganza. Thank you to the Chandlers for having us over to their gorgeous remodeled home! The food and company were great. And thank you also to all of our family who sent gifts and cards. You are all so thoughtful and giving. We love you! Happy Birthday Scottie!