Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mommy's Little Helper

On Saturday Lyla Bean and I decided to get into the Christmas spirit a little more by baking sugar cookies for Daddy. I forgot how annoying these are to make! I made the dough before Lyla's nap time and let it chill for a few hours. When Lyla woke up I had already cut out all of the cookies and baked them in the oven. I fed her dinner and after she got cleaned up Daddy helped Lyla with the decorating. She could have cared less about sprinkling the cookies...all she wanted to do was eat them. So being the great Mom that I am, I went ahead and let her nibble on one. She loved it so much! I got about ten minutes of decorating out of her before she was over it. The great part of the whole thing was when Scott helped decorate cookies. If you know my husband he HATES anything that has to do with creativity. He claimed the reason he liked decorating cookies because it was food. What an awesome way to spend our Saturday as a family. This will definitely be a tradition we all keep. Merry Christmas all and happy snacking!

Post Candy-Cane Face

Lyla sprinkled the yellow

Lyla's leftovers

The yummy cookies!

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