Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

So I am blogging from Iowa...yes Iowa. When Scott got home from work on Tuesday he changed my flight because he was going to be in New Jersey until the end of the regular season and he wanted me to be with my family. Of course I was thrilled at the news of being home for Christmas but sick at the thought of him being away from me and Lyla. So after a quick Christmas (we only had 2 hours together before he left) I sent Scott out off on his way. I think spent the rest of the night cleaning and packing and at 5 a.m. Bryan and Linda took me to the airport. It was a good thing I caught the early flight because it has been absolutely nasty here since I got for the past two days. Yesterday we spent the day trying to get back on our schedule and getting lots of hugs and kisses from Grandma Leela Papa Doug, and all the aunts and uncles. Today we had a busy day of playing with Marlee and Max, decorating sugar cookies, skyping (well attempting to) Daddy and now she is down for a nap.

Scott we love you so so so much! We hate so much that we are apart from each other, especially during the holidays but what an awesome Christmas gift!! We are so proud of you and how patient you have been throughout this past year. The Lord has indeed answered our prayers. I love you sweetie! Merry Christmas Eve!

p.s. So if you were all wondering about what Scott got me for Christmas I have to brag...A MEMBERSHIP TO SHOEDAZZLE.COM!!! Yes I get to pick out shoes and they send them to me! HOW AMAZING RIGHT??

p.p.s. So obviously Lyla can't speak yet but starting yesterday I would say about 75% of the mumbling coming out of Lyla's mouth is Da Da Da Da Da Da! It is so precious. Scott also called last night before bath time and I handed her the phone and said Lyla it's Daddy and she plain as day said...Hello Da Da...Obviously she can't talk but for some reason these were the jumbled words that came out of her mouth. It was crazy!

Our quick family Christmas

Lyla on Rudolph

So April got Lyla a Teddy Ruxpin bear...I HAD THIS AS A CHILD AND SHE FOUND IT!

Mar and Lyla checking each other out

Max asked me if Lyla could go play blocks with him

Yes this is a bib my mom got!

The present queen

Dad's Villages

Peek with Uncle Dubee

Eating the chocolate star off the cookie

I antiqued April with powdered sugar


Had to make Daddy a cookie with his new number on it!

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