Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Crazy Day!

I thought all of you who read my blog might want to know about my amazingly awesome crazy day I had today. I woke up at 6:50 a.m. and snuggled my hubby for 10 minutes before he woke up. We drove to the airport and I wished him luck in New England. After chatting with my mom on my way home I came home and made some muffins and sat down to watch a movie...well this movie turned into 3 or 4 and it is now almost 8 o'clock. The only time I got up off of the coach was to either go to the bathroom or eat breakfast, lunch or dinner. So you may be wondering why I decided to waste an entire day on the coach. Well I can give you three understandable answers.

1) In just over a week I will have a baby and who knows the next time I will get to sit in front of the t.v. and watch movies all day long.
2) After getting examined yesterday I still felt cruddy today.
3) I am so scared that I will go into labor while Scott is on the other side of the country that I convinced myself that if I don't move then Lyla will stay put.

Obviously I am bored and a little lonely because I am blogging about my crazy hectic day. Good thing I have two Netflix movies waiting for me!

1 comment:

**The WEDDLE clan: said...

Man, I almost called you yesterday to see if B and I could come sneak by too...dang, next time please invite me to do nothing...I LOVE days like that! HA