Monday, May 18, 2009

Josh Hamilton's Beyond Belief...a must read!

Before you read this post watch this video...

My favorite type of book to read is a good memoir. Fiction is wonderful but I feel there is much to be learned by reading a memoir. After last year's home run derby Texas Ranger Josh Hamilton became a household name. This was the first time I became aware of this amazing athlete and his amazing story. This season Scott decided that he wanted to upgrade our Directv package in order to catch all of the Texas Rangers baseball games. I will admit I protested this at first because I had no interest in this team. Well as with most sports teams, the more you watch them and get to know the players, the more fun they are to watch. So this past month I have converted to being a Texas Rangers fan, more so a Josh Hamilton fan.
I knew Josh Hamilton wrote a book about his struggle back to baseball so I ordered it for Scott. The first day it arrived in the mail I practically devoured the book. It was such an amazing read and an even more amazing story. I don't want to give anything away because I really want you all to read his story. If anyone wants to borrow it let me know because Scott is almost done with it and I would be more than likely to let you borrow it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want to read it!!!!