Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Blessing

This Sunday I am thankful to all of my friends and family members who have kids who have helped educate me throughout this whole pregnancy. I call my sister Holly every morning at around 9 am and every day I have at least half a dozen questions ready to fire at her. She is great because she is my sister so she gets down to the nitty gritty and tells me things that the doctor forgets to share with you. She has been wonderful getting me prepared for the blessed day. My mom continues to give me advice and even though it has been a while since she had kids, it is still very helpful. I am starting to have a little fear about the pain aspect of delivery and post op but she and my mother in law remind me that they pushed out a batch of babies without epiderals. Did I mention that Scott weighed 10 lbs and was 24 inches long. Linda you were a champ and mom you were too for carrying twins. Not sure if this body is capable of holding more than one Chandler baby. My friend's Breanna, Chanel and Casi have been great because they just had babies within the past few months so they remember all the details. It is neat to get different people's perspectives on pain, delivery, nursing etc... They have all been great fielding my questions and continue to fill me full of great advice. My sister in law Christe has been great because she was such a trooper. She went six weeks early with Carson and even though I wasn't there to witness it, handled the situation amazingly. She has been so supportive throughout my pregnancy and is always asking about how Lyla and I are doing. To my sisters who haven't had babies, Brooke and Apey, you guys have been awesome too! Brooke is my little pharmacist who helps me with all my questions about the medical side of pregnancy and she is has also been super supportive. I can always count on her for an answer. April is just good for a laugh. The words "gross" and "yuk" are used quite frequently when I have talked to her about the details of my pregnancy. She is my twin and I know she will always be there for me. I just wanted to thank all of you mommies and Aunties. I hope that I can be as supportive in your lives as you have been to me in mine. I love you all so very much and Lyla is so blessed to have so much love and support in her life.

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