Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Blessing

I thought with today being Easter it would only be fitting that my Sunday Blessing this week be Jesus. I believe the Resurrection of Christ goes down as the most important day in history. Never before and never again will a man be crucified only to raise himself from the dead as it was professed so many times leading up to Christ's life. What a glorious gift God gave us 1,976 years ago. In John 14:6 Jesus says "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." What this scripture tells us, and what Jesus preached throughout his 33 years on earth, is the only way we as sinners can reach salvation is through Jesus. Good deeds and a kind heart won't secure our place in heaven. We must recognize that we are all sinners and we all fall short of the glory of God. Jesus died for our sins, and the only way in which we can be with Jesus in heaven is to admit to our sins, acknowledge that Jesus died on the cross for us and ask for God's forgiveness. I am so thankful for the gift of salvation and feel so incredibly blessed to have a husband and church that encourages me to want to be more like Jesus. This Easter Sunday I wanted to share this blessing with all of you and I pray that it might help open your heart to God's love. Happy Easter!

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