Friday, March 6, 2009

Well Hello There!

On Wednesday night Scott and I got to see our little Lyla for the first time...well sort of. We had a 4D sonogram session and it was truly remarkable. We had a half hour session of getting to watch her play with her hands, toes, and umbilical cord. It was so wonderful to finally see what she does that makes Mommy so uncomfortable. I can't imagine how much I am going to love this child once she is out because after seeing her for 30 minutes through a monitor I fell even more in love with her. She was absolutely adorable with lots of hair they said, which is good because she has about 30 hair bows already. The technician also commented on how coordinated her hands were and how long her fingers were. I know Scott and he was already picturing her with a basketball but I myself saw dancer. She loved her feet and was constantly pulling up her foot to her head and playing with her toes. At one point she stuck her foot in her mouth and started licking her big lady like I know. She is measuring right on with our due date and weights a little over 2 1/2 pounds. She already has a double chin which I think is adorable! Before we knew it our 30 minutes were up and we had to say goodbye to our little Lyla. Seeing her this week has made me even more excited to be a mom. I really feel ready and am so anxious for her to join us in the world.

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