Friday, March 27, 2009


I bought this before Scott and I were married because I knew I wanted a Peter Pan nursery

Thanks Aunt Apey for my flying characteres...they make the nursery magical.

Nana (Scott's mom) knew how much I loved this frame and she found it for me!

Apey and I had this made when we were at Disneyland a few weeks ago. Do you see L-Y-L-A?

Lyla's best friend Abbi got Lyla her first Tink Costume!

Lyla's aunties got Lyla her very own bow holder.

Thanks aunt Caitlin for the adorable hanging, it's perfect for her nursery!

This isn't even half of her clothes, the rest are in her drawers.

Lyla's toy chest and her reading chair.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking at the closet the main thing I notice is Christmas clothes!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!