Friday, February 27, 2009

Trip to Iowa

So after our eight days in Texas we flew to Iowa to visit my family. Of course we flew into icky weather but made it home before the storm hit. Once we got settled we drove up to Lansing, IA to visit my 87 year old Grandpa Mit. We spent the day together going through old momentos, eating at Clancy's and of course a trip to Pauls. I love spending time with my grandpa and listening to all his neat old stories. He is such a character. We also got the opportunity to get together with my entire family in Iowa City for a fun weekend. My amazing sisters and mom helped throw me a baby shower. It was wonderful! It was also really neat seeing all of my friends, some I haven't seen in years. Of course the weekend flew by all too fast and my family had to go their separate ways. The rest of our trip back in Iowa was spent playing dominoes, farkle, and sequence with my parents and Ape even joined in on one game. It was so much fun just spending time with my brothers and sisters and parents. We always have such a blast when we all get together, which unfortunately only happens a few times a year. Before we knew it our trip to Iowa had come to an end and Scott and I were back on a plane to San Diego. Goodbyes are always so hard and this one was especially tough because it was going to be a while before I got back to Iowa. It is crazy to think that the next time I go back home, Lyla will be with me. Thanks to my sisters for throwing me an awesome baby shower and for Brooke and James for letting us crash at their house. Also Mom and Dad thank you so much for showing us such a great time. I miss you all so much already!

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