Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me...and April!

So for the past four or five years I have been away from my family on my birthday. With being in Iowa this year I was absolutely thrilled when Scott planned a birthday dinner with many of my family members. You ever have those times when you are experiencing something and the entire time you are there you are overwhelmed with happiness, and don't want it to end...well this was my birthday night! Brooke, James, April, Isiah, Drew, Beth, Scott and I all met at Graze in Iowa City and had a great few hours of feasting on amazing food, gift openings, cake eating, and awesome family time! Thank you family for making this birthday so special!

Monday, March 7, 2011

NFL Lockout

Here are a few links for those of you who are wondering what this NFL lockout is and isn't. Just to clarify, the players ARE NOT asking for more money. Check out this link to get a quick idea of what this is all about.


Here is a great article by Rick Reilly that I wanted to share with anyone who might be interested.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Starting Over

Yes I am officially the absolute worst blogger! It has been almost a lifetime since I last blogged. I blame a few moves, finding out I was pregnant! Yes we moved out of our rental in Texas and bought our dream house in Iowa. We are practically all moved in and are loving the space, yard, and having all of our stuff finally out of storage.
Our other big news is I am pregnant again. I am 17 weeks along and finally feeling good again. I was pretty sick again with this pregnancy but alas the morning sickness is almost non-existent. We found out this weekend that we are having another girl. I am just gitty inside knowing that Lyla will have a sister close in age. Bring on more hair bows, dresses, and SHOES!
Some of you may have been wondering what our plan is with the lockout going on. We basically just sit and wait. We are planning on staying here until things get resolved. I am due in August so I will have the baby in Iowa City and hopefully Scott will be in training camp out in New York. Lord willing if camp goes well, we will move out to Buffalo once the regular season starts up. This is a short blog and definitely to the point. I promise I will try and be better about blogging in the future. Thank you to our Texas and Iowa families for being so helpful and supportive during this past move. We truly can not thank you enough for all that you do to help us out. We love you all so very very much!